Top 10 Achievement / Success Statements To Use In Resume

Sample Statements for placing resume in achievement / success format to showcase your value to the organization:

10. Developed new filing and organizational public health practices, saving the company $3,000 per year in contracted labor expenses

9. Suggested a new tactic to improve conversion of client refusal rates by persuading clients to stay with the company, resulting in a 5% decrease in cancellations

8. Manage a $350,000 grant budget for program X, with a reduction of costs totaling 15% over two years

7. Trained and supervised 2 new employees, ensuring they maintain attention to detail and efficiency in their job role

6. Provide direct quality care to patients including daily monitoring, recording, and evaluating of medical conditions of up to 20 patients per day

5. Led and mentored 10 newly licensed public health nurses in developing and achieving professional expertise

4. Increased public health students’ scores in standardized tests by 24% in epidemiology and 35% in statistics

3. Educated an average of 18 freshman students and received four “Best Teacher Award”

2. Reduced the cost of the overall health information technology client contract by 15% by coding a script to format the files beforehand

1. Educated leadership team on the implementation process of a new software program designed to a staff of 36 Editors more efficient in their scope of work for contract purposes


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