Need an expert? You are a resource and are more than welcome to leave your contact information and I will be in touch shortly.
Step 1: Download Zoom to your phone, PC or laptop device.
Step 2: Select the "FACE 2 FACE MEETING with VIDEO & AUDIO" option button and prepare to leave your name, phone number, email address and information about your request for resources. Tell us exactly how we can best help you!
Step 3: Wait to connect with LaTonya Bynum, MPH, CHES face-to-face.
Hours of operation are from 8 AM to 3 PM CST weekly
Feel free to reach out to me via email. All emails receive a response in 24 hours.
U.R.A. Resource Center, LLC, a public health consulting firm headquartered in Conway, Arkansas – established in January of 2017. The firm specializes in creative/technical writing, public speaking, and research/data analysis product and service offerings.
The mission of the practice is to Utilize Research for Access in improving the health status and quality of life of all mankind. There are nine core programs for the URA Resource Center, LLC founder and team.