1.5 HR Mock Interview Preparation w/ Job Interview Questionnaire & Recap


$1,499.00 $250.00

The questionnaire includes:
1. Frequently Asked Questions and standard “Tell Me About Yourself”
2. Practice using the STAR Technique
3. Strengths vs. Weaknesses based on job description

The mock interview session will cover:

1. Review of 5 to 7 of the questionnaire responses
2. Salary negotiation and other non-negotiable benefits
3. Training on the E-E-Y Technique for Professional Branding
Bonus: Impromptu Questions for the hiring official/committee


Job Interview Questionnaire will be provided via email. The document details a list of the standard go-to questions that will help you prepare for the up-coming interview. The questionnaire document with your responses and links to the job description are provided to LaTonya Bynum to tailor feedback based on research of the job description, resume, cover letter, company website as well as your personal/professional concerns concerning the upcoming presentation/interview.

A 1.5 HR mock interview will be scheduled to meet face to face via Zoom, an online software designed to connect people and groups through web-conferencing. Download the Zoom software before the interview.

A follow-up re-cap of the interview highlights, lessons learned and best practices for interview techniques will be shared after the session.

LaTonya Bynum will also text an encouraging message before the interview to send positive energy in order to empower you to BLOW the hiring officials’ socks clear off their feet. A follow-up call after your interview is welcomed and highly encouraged as we prepare for the offer & salary negotiation process.


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