Learn the true meaning of Diabetes
Diabetes can affect everyone. It can affect your family, friends, and even YOU! Being able to know what Diabetes is and knowing the risk factors, will help YOU be healthier!
Diabetes can affect anyone. It is not specific to any race, gender, or age. Diabetes is a disease where the body does not produce enough Insulin or does not use the Insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone that is produced by the Pancreas. It is important that our body creates and uses Insulin because it makes it easier for our body to use sugar (Glucose) as energy. There are 3 types of Diabetes:
1) Diabetes Type 1
- Also known as Juvenile Diabetes or Insulin-Dependent Diabetes
- Your own body attacks the cells that produce Insulin
- The lifestyle that one lives does not produce Diabetes Type 1. Yet, living a healthy lifestyle can alleviate some of the symptoms.
- Body still breaks down food into Glucose, or Blood sugar.
- There is no Insulin to allow a pathway into the cells.
- Will need to use Insulin Injections.
- Symptoms of Diabetes Type 1 are Frequent Urination, Frequent Thirst, drastic weight loss, and tiredness.
2) Diabetes Type 2
- It is the most common type of Diabetes.
- Also known as Adult Onset Diabetes.
- The type of lifestyle DOES impact the outcome of this disease.
- Insulin is produced, but either it is not used adequately or there is not enough Insulin.
- Can be managed by Diet and physical activity.
- Can also be managed by oral medications, but it can also lead to medication injections.
- Symptoms of Diabetes Type 2 are increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision.
3) Gestational Diabetes (Diabetes during Pregnancy)
- Develops during pregnancy
- Those who have Gestational Diabetes are at a higher risk of Diabetes Type 2.
- In most cases, there are no symptoms.
- Women who do not take care of their Diabetes during pregnancy could lead to a bigger baby than the average size, needing C-section (Cesarean) to deliver the child, High Blood Pressure, and/or Low Blood sugar.
To know more about Diabetes, please check out these educational YouTube Videos:
- English: https://youtu.be/wZAjVQWbMlE and https://youtu.be/2TWelC6SHr8
- Spanish: https://youtu.be/ZMo_Xi85KNE and https://youtu.be/IbP5lreKc2k